9:30 AM09:30

Lothian Junior Chess Team Day 2 2025

A five round chess tournament with four boards per team. Teams can have up to six players but only four can play each round. Individuals can enter and we will assign them to a team.

All teams must be made up of players living in the City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian or The Scottish Borders Council areas only.

Players can only play for clubs if their school isn't entering a team.

The tournament will have five rounds with swiss pairings, so as far as possible all teams will play all rounds. Time control: All moves in 25 minutes.

Please ensure your teams arrive at the venue by 9:15am for a 9:30am start, with prize giving ending around 4:30pm.

See the Additional Information below for details of team composition, board order etc.

ENTRIES Entry closes at midnight on Thursday 27th February.

Team entries are £20, if paid for before midnight on Wednesday 26th February, £25 thereafter.

Teams can pay on the day by using the PAYONDAY code in the discount field.

You can enter a team without player details and amend your entry once the team is known. Player details must be provided by midnight Thursday 27th February. 

Individual entries are £5, if paid for before midnight on Wednesday 26th February, £8 thereafter. Individuals must pay online only and must live in The Lothian and Borders Region. Individual entries will be assigned to a composite team. If you are not sure if your school or club is entering a team please get in touch and we can give you contact details if we have them.

Children who are in receipt of Free School Meals can enter for free

For team entries: please use the discount code FSM1, FSM2, FSM3 or FSM4 to indicate the number of children in receipt of free school meals in a team. For individual entries: please use the discount code FSM.

Refreshments A cafe will be available selling soup, rolls, hot and cold drinks, home baking and other snacks.

Book your tickets here.

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1:00 PM13:00

Lothian Junior Chess Taster Tournament 2025

Our Taster Tournament is running alongside the Lothian Junior Championships and is targeted at younger children and those who feel that to start straight into a six round event might be too big a first step. Entry for the taster is limited to Primary School players living in Edinburgh, Lothians and the Scottish Borders area, and the players should not yet have a grading and have played in less than two of our events. It's fun and there are lots of prizes!

Entry Fee: £2 by midnight Wednesday 29th January and £4 thereafter

Click here to register

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9:00 AM09:00

Lothian Junior Championships

The Lothian Junior Championships is an Individual tournament for players who live in Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian or The Scottish Borders council areas.

The last day to enter to guarantee a place is midnight on Thursday 30th January, as long as there are spaces remaining. Entry may be left open on Friday until we download the details for processing but please do not rely on this.

The Lothian Junior Championships are a regional championship and therefore open to children living in Edinburgh, Lothians and the Scottish Borders area only

Entry Fee:
£2 by midnight Wednesday 29th January and £5 thereafter

Click here to register

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9:30 AM09:30

Lothian Junior Championships and Taster Tournament

The Lothian Junior Championships is an Individual tournament for players who live in Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian or The Scottish Borders council areas.

Alongside the main tournament we are running a Taster Tournament for Primary School age players who would like to know what a tournament is like but don’t quite feel ready to come for the whole day. This will start at 1pm.

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9:30 AM09:30

Team Day 2 - Cancelled

We have had to cancel our Team tournament due to circumstances beyond our control. We know how much the players enjoy team competitions and how hard team managers work to pull their teams together, so we are very sorry to have to cancel at short notice. We hope to see you at the Lothian Junior Championships on 3rd February or our next Team Day on 3rd March. If possible we will hold a further Team day later in the year.

The tournament is for Primary and Secondary schools in the Lothian and Borders region. Each school can enter multiple teams in the following sections (teams of four are mixed boys and girls and teams can change players during the day). Individuals can also enter and will be allocated to composite teams for the tournament.

  • P5 and Under

  • P6/P7

  • Secondary

There will be 6 rounds and teams in each section are paired using the Swiss system which matches teams in each round based on the points already scored. This has the advantage of allowing teams to float up and down the draw until they find their own level and helps avoids significant mismatches between the stronger and weaker teams.

New teams are most welcome as this is a great way for players to dip their toes into completion chess. There are shields for each section which the team holds for a year and lots of prizes for placed teams and spot prizes. Most of all this is a fun competition.

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9:30 AM09:30

Team Day 1

Lothian Junior Chess ran school team events for many years. We are very pleased to announce the first Team Day of the season and a further two more are planned for early next year.

The tournament is for Primary and Secondary schools in the Lothian and Borders region, but we also allow individual entries if the player’s school is not entering. Each school can enter multiple teams in the following sections (teams of four are mixed boys and girls and teams can change players during the day). Individuals can also enter and will be allocated to composite teams for the tournament.

P5 and Under



There will be 6 rounds and teams in each section are paired using the Swiss system which matches teams in each round based on the points already scored. This has the advantage of allowing teams to float up and down the draw until they find their own level and helps avoids significant mismatches between the stronger and weaker teams.

New teams are most welcome as this is a great way for players to dip their toes into completion chess. There are shields for each section which the team holds for a year and lots of prizes for placed teams and spot prizes. Most of all this is a fun competition.

Team entries are £25, if paid for before Monday the 27th of November, £30 thereafter.

Individual entries are £6, if paid for before the 27th of November, £8 thereafter. Individuals must pay online only and must live in The Lothian and Borders Region. Individual entries will be assigned to a composite team.

You can enter a team without knowing the details of the players, but we need a list of players by Thursday 30th November.

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9:30 PM21:30

Edinburgh Junior Congress

6 round individual tournament using Swiss pairings.

The tournament is open to players of school age living in Scotland and will have 4 sections:

  • Primary U300/Ungraded

  • Primary school aged children who do not have a grade or who's grade is below 300

  • Primary U900

  • Primary school aged children whose grade is below 900

  • Secondary U900/Ungraded

  • Secondary school aged children who do not have a grade or whose grade is below 900

  • Open

  • Any school aged player graded above 900, or who wants to play more challenging games.

    Sections may be merged or split, or the grade boundaries changed, depending on the number of entries. Grade boundaries are based on Chess Scotland Live Allegro Grades

  • Each player will have 25 minutes to complete all their moves

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to Jun 25

UK Chess Challenge Scottish Gigafinal

Open to qualifiers only!

Under 8s and Under 10s will play on the Saturday and Under 12s - Under 18s will play on the Sunday

To qualify you must play in a Megafinal and achieve the qualifying criteria


  • 12th March (Under 11 - Under 18) West of Scotland (Glasgow)

  • 25th March (Under 8 and Under 10) West of Scotland (Glasgow)

  • 26th March (Under 8 - Under 18) East of Scotland (Edinburgh)

  • Many more dates in the rest of the UK, including online Megafinala

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9:30 AM09:30

East Scotland Megafinal

The quarterfinal stage of the Delancey UK Chess Challenge. Once again this year the Megafinal is open to everyone born after 31st August 2004 - you don’t need to qualify.

New this year - those who qualify for the Gigafinal will no longer have to disrupt their summer holidays to travel to Manchester or beyond to go take part because we are holding the first ever Scottish Gigafinal on 24th and 25th June in Edinburgh!

The Megafinal is a 6 round tournament and players will take part all day. It is not a knockout. In each round they will play someone on roughly the same number of points as them (subject to other constraints).

We expect to run Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, Under 14 and Under 18 sections, but this may change depending on the number of entries in each group.

Qualification rules: The top 3 boys and girls will qualify for the Gigafinals along with any players scoring 3.5 points.

The above information is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication but may be subject to change.

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9:30 AM09:30

Scottish Girls Championships 2023

Lothian Junior Chess are hosting the Scottish Girls Championships on behalf of Chess Scotland for the second consecutive year.

A five-round tournament for school age girls in Scotland comprising of:

  • Scottish Girls’ Championship

  • Scottish Primary Girls’ Championship

  • Scottish P5 & Under Girls’ Championship

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9:30 PM21:30

Lothian Junior Championships

We’re delighted to be returning to Broughton High School for the first time since the 2020 for the Lothian Junior Championships.

This is a regional competition and is therefore open only to players of school age who live in the council areas of Edinburgh, East Lothian, West Lothian or The Scottish Borders.

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9:30 AM09:30

Lothian Junior Championships

An individual event for school-aged players living in Edinburgh, the Lothians and The Borders Council areas.

This year there is a team element - in each section the top 3 scores for every school or club will be added together for a team award.

Please note that the venue has changed since it was first advertised. It is now being held at St George’s School, Edinburgh.

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9:30 AM09:30

Edinburgh Megafinal - Delancey UK Chess Challenge

  • The Edinburgh Academy Senior School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A six round individual tournament for school-age players based in the UK.

Likely sections:

  • Under 8

  • Under 10

  • Under 12

  • Under 14

  • Under 18

    Based on age at 31st August 2021. Sections may be merged based on entry numbers.

There are no qualification requirements to enter the Megafinal this year. Qualifiers from this event can go on to play in the Gigafinals.

The Megafinal will be Chess Scotland Allegro Graded.

Time control: Each player has 25 minutes to make all their moves.

2022 Dates and Rules

Event Terms and Conditions


By Train

Edinburgh Waverley Station is around a 25 minute walk

By Bus

Lothian Buses service 36 goes along Henderson Row. Services 23 and 27 stop on Dundas Street and Services 24, 29 and 42 stop on Raeburn Place

By Car

There is limited parking on site. Parking charges do not currently apply in nearby streets on a Saturday


Unfortunately we will not have any catering on-site, however there are supermarkets, cafes and takeaways in the nearby area.

Accompanying adults, siblings etc

Players are only supervised whilst in the playing hall, therefore parents and careers are responsible for their child between games. We will provide areas for them to wait. As space is limited, we would ask that the number of people accompanying a player is kept to a minimum. Only players and officials are allowed in the playing hall.

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to Oct 6

2021 Delancey UK Chess Challenge

The Delancey UK Chess Challenge is mostly online again for 2021. Qualification is not necessary to enter the Megafinals.

Megafinals - 12/13th, 26th/27th June

Gigafinals - 3/4th, 17/18 July

Terafinals Preliminary - 4th-5th September

Terafinals Grand Finale - (over the board) 9th-10th October

Blitz Championship 9th June - 14th July

Variants Championship 9th June - 11th July

This is a Delancey UK Chess Challenge event. Please use the link below for contact details of the organisers

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to Jun 20

Edinburgh Chess Academy Scottish Junior Tournament

The Edinburgh Chess Academy Scottish Junior Tournament (ECASJT) is for children in Scotland from 5 to the age of 18 years old. There are three stages:

  1. Five Practice Qualifying Tournaments

  2. Five Qualifiers

  3. Five Championship Events

​This tournament is an Edinburgh Chess Academy Event. Please use the link below for contact details.

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10:30 AM10:30

Team Day 2

Following the successful online team tournament last year, Lothian Junior Chess will be holding Team Day 2 as an online team tournament with P5 and Under, P6/P7 and Secondary sections.

Team Day 2: Sunday 21st March 10:30am - 12:30pm

Time Control: 20 mins

Open to all Scottish schools and Scottish Clubs who have played in our events before.

The tournament will be hosted on as a Team Battle. Player's scores count towards their team total which decides the overall team places. As soon as a player finishes a game, they are paired with their next opponent from another team. The Team Battle lasts for two hours and players can join and leave at any time.

Teams can have as many players from your club as you want but there is a minimum of four. And its the top four scorers in each team that contribute to the team total.

  • If you have a lichess team already then we can add you to the tournament.

  • If you don't have a lichess team then we can help you get setup. All you need is a minimum of four players to get going.

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9:15 AM09:15

LJC Team Day 3: Cancelled :(

Announcement about an online event coming soon

LJC Team Day event

An inter-school Chess competition for schools in the Lothian region. Compete in the “P5 and U” section or the P6/7 Section for Primary Schools. Secondary schools have their own section.

Teams are ideally 4 players, but teams of 5 or 6 are ok too. Less than 3 players? Get in touch and we'll do our best to put you together in a composite team.

Teams in each section are paired using the Swiss system which matches teams in each round based on the points already scored. This has the advantage of allowing teams to float up and down the draw until they find their own level and helps avoids significant mismatches between the stonger and weaker teams.

New teams are most welcome as this is a great way for players to dip their toes into competion chess. Many may feel that they will not be good enough but this is never true as most teams will include new and inxperienced players

Please note that Team Day events are open for Schools in the Lothian region only.

Entry will open approximately 3 weeks before the tournament.

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